One Year Later…

Well, I knew blogging was not going to be my jam. I don’t know why I ever created a blog page. But I did and now I feel as though I should post something at sometime. It would be nice to post something meaningful, poignant, provocative and all that. Alas, all I can do is post about art. My art.

Here’s another painting… This is an oil painting I began in the 80’s. Poor thing; it’s been beat up and reworked; never finished. The lady in the blue hat.  The painting is pretty large, stands about 5 feet high.

Hello world!

This is my very first post. I am not certain what I will do with this post!  I hope it doesn’t end up like the last one, completely abandoned!  I love art – creating it, studying it, viewing it, discovering it, sharing it! This blog, therefore, should be about my experience with art.

original oil painting

original oil painting by Carrie Hunt –  rights reserved.

Happy birthday 😩😍😍😍😍Happy blogging! Continue reading